
Kids these days

  • 5
    Um.. You just installed a operating system....
  • 6
    Listening to people in my university saying they will install Kali linux and become hackers or some shit and I'm like "Answer me a simple question: what was the previous name of Kali linux?". No answer of course. Noobs...
  • 3
    @antoni4040 wasnt it backtrack?
  • 2
    @linuxer4fun I think you're right
  • 2
    @linuxer4fun Nice 👍
  • 2
    Or, wow u are using cmd, you are a hacker
  • 1
    @lusu i just programmed a batch file, which deletes ur personal folder, hoping, u dont open it with a notepad... Said by someone who thougt he could hacn1k
  • 1
    @linuxer4fun ive always heard it blacktrack XD
  • 1
    I have a friend, thinking he's a hacker, because he carrys a USB-Stick with an unburnt Kali-Linux-Iso... Such a loser ;-)
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