
So recently I've been taught how to make Virtual Machines in school and I did made an Ubuntu vm because it was loaded on a disk my teacher gave to me. And I loved it, it was my first time with Linux and I was so impressed, so I put some more versions of Linux on a flash drive to copy and I'm going to try them all out! The other versions I'm going to try out are Mint, Fedora, Manjaro, and Kali!

  • 2
    Mint ftw
  • 1
    Linux can be a ton of fun to explore. I love finding a flavor of Linux, and then exploring all the desktop themes that exist for it. Ubuntu has tons, but there is also the option of not using a desktop environment at all if you really want!

    Go explore!
  • 1
    I love Mint, Elementary OS, and Lubuntu on old machines that my relatives stopped using. I used to play within Virtualbox and VMware. I then installed natively on old machines and created my own web server (LAMP) and ssh into them from a faster computer. Good luck on your exploration in Linux.
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