
How do you know that a dev uses vim for coding? He tells you... Over and over and over again.

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    I use vim but only for messing with files on the server when I have to, I would never use it as my primary editor that's just crazy
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    Are you also vegan and do crossfit?
  • 3
    Vegan vim user here. Also use only Ubuntu and make sure to tell everyone + code on vim on my android phone in the Linux subsystem. Only use open source software and will spend hours trying to get windows apps working in Ubuntu even if it only part works, instead of switching to windoes partition
  • 1
    I only used Vim as my primary C/C++ editor before Clion came because it was faster switching to the terminal and run gcc/gdb...but with the release of Clion and terminal available there too...I hardly use Vim,maybe when coding Swift in Linux or building stuff and editing the Make files quickly
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    @jonnyserra I use ideavim plugin for my Jetbrains, and it's not crazy!
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    @Letmecode yeah totally,

    in fact vim have features no advance IDE have, even Jetbrains. Like recording, ex mode, and many more,,,
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    @Letmecode but well Jetbrains have some stuff I can't have in vim for certain types of projects,
    Like some debuggers, language integrations, build tools, profilers,
    Ideavim plugin bring both together,

    Vim for any other type of editings,
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    ZZ == :wq
    ZQ == :q!
  • 1
    @divil and btw D removes curser to end of line
    dd removes current line
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