They finally got him. Couldn't get him on drug charges, couldn't get him on murder, so they fall back on old faithful: tax evasion


Side note: It's hard to find a picture of johnny boy without guns or nsfw material.

  • 2
    Why is this important though? Just another rich fuck brought to justice.
  • 8
    People here have been following it. If you don't care, then skip it.
  • 1
    @SortOfTested well, it's miscategorized anyway.
  • 8
    Some of us used to work for the fuck, once upon a time πŸ˜‹
  • 0
  • 8
    Schadenfreude about your ex boss is definitely rant material, whether you agree or not.
  • 1
    Yeah I just heard about McAfee going to jail, holy shit.
  • 1
    let me Google him real quick......
  • 1
    @SortOfTested @iii

    I believe the correct term would be "catharsis", which definitely is connected to ranting.

    And yeah... That fucker deserves it.
  • 1
    @IntrusionCM almost every rich person deserves the same treatment. There are no honest rich people.
  • 0
    Nooo, I meant schadenfreude. I'm not feeling relief over his shit, it's very much closer to joy.
  • 0
    @SortOfTested Hm, I'm not finding a good english source for it (too tired, just woke up) and not having enough coffee


    Catharsis is a ... topic? in psychology too.
  • 0
    Yeah, it just doesn't match my feelings. Sorry!
  • 3
    He totally looks like a movie villain
  • 5
    - that he US has its citizens pay tax on income already taxed in another country.
    - that in the US you need approval to renounce/change your citizenship.
    - that you can be indicted for things defined as crimes in the US that you have done in another jurisdiction where it is not a crime.

    PS: I didn't follow this and have in fact first ever heard about McAfee as a person (not the company) today.
  • 0
  • 1
    That's not totally accurate.

    - You only pay taxes on money that was not already taxed in another country. You file a form indicating the money you were paid in and taxed by another country. You don't even have to provide evidence unless you're audited. I've had to do this most of my adult life.
    - you have to file forms to renounce your citizenship, and provide proof of having obtained another. Part of this process is a single meeting with a government official.
    - if you break the law in another country, you can be returned to the US for trial. If you engage in systemic activities which violate US law as a US citizen, you have broken US law. Most of the laws that get enforced are those that create an international incident, as defined in the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Also murder https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/...

    Note: usually violent crimes will be tried in another country and the sentence (short of death) will be honored in the US. It would be an extraordinary circumstance where foreign nationals serve sentences in foreign jails for most first world countries. See Vienna Convention treaties.
  • 0
    @mcfly thanks for the mention. I'll have to find it now.
  • 0
    @stub Tax is paying for the infrastructure that enables you to earn money (and live comfortably) in the first place.
  • 1
    @stub wow - this is the most redneck post I've seen in a while. But okay, I'll take the bait, even though you're clearly not interested in discussing the topic as such.

    Firstly, I don't need to read any constitution because I never specified talking about bumfuck, Alaska or the fucking USA (or any other country or state) at all.

    Secondly, we don't have to agree on whether Anarchism is viable and its outcome, but okay, you do you. No need to get personal.
  • 1
    You'll never get an Alaskan to see the light of day. They'll lecture you unbidden all day on the high virtue of their opinion on taxation, and ignore the fact they take 170% of what they pay in taxes back from the feds. They love to ignore the fact their entire way of life has always been subsidized by oil revenue. They've never had to pay.

    It's fine though, they're about to tap the permanent fund since oil revenue is drying up, and they'll be sitting there lecturing everyone else on how they're idiots as the house falls in on them.
  • 0
    @saucyatom tax is to pay the debt on mkbey loaned out of thin air to us by a private bank which we invested eith the power to create that money on a whim, with interest.

    100% of your income tax goes to paying this debt, which because of interest means there is always more debt than money available, meaning by definition the debt can never be paid.
  • 0
    @vigidis I thought inflation was to fuckover savers in the process of rewarding investors.
  • 1
    Didn't he say he'd eat his testicle or something if Bitcoin didn't hit 100k by 2018 or something?

    Still waiting for that little show.
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