
Trying to reverse engineer an API.

Who on fucking earth thought it would be a good idea to let the response be JSON but.... THE VALUE OF THE MAIN INFORMATION THING/KEY PLAIN (UGLY AS HELL) HTML WITH EVEN GOOGLE TAGS BULLSHIT...



  • 8
    Poor man's server side rendering?
  • 5
  • 4
    Try a REST api with swagger but every param and response is a string which will contain an undocumented json :/

    And if you fetch a list of articles and want to put one in the cart, you cannot just send the id and quantity, no you need to send the complete object you got, with all 30 properties

    And of cause, new versions can add properties.
  • 5
    Often if it's not published, at least part of that reason is that they're too embarassed to do so 😂
  • 1
    Last line must be the API Key
  • 0
    Found an api I wanted to use just like that, but the semi html with no coherence just made me want to give up
  • 0
    Feel you, have been attempting to wrap my head around this one API all day and am still confused as fuck.
    There's weird shit all over the JSON responses and stuff
  • 2
    Security by obscurity.
  • 0
    @Voxera feels like dying
  • 0
    @no-oxygen I feel more like a killing mood, that would not only help me but save others ;)
  • 1
    @superposition done right swagger is really good, but when every param is a string that will contain an undocumented json, well then its useless
  • 0
    You know what is worse ? API that returns response as string. That was returned from sql server via EF bindings as bloody XML and then abomination was put through JsonConvert.SerializeXmlNode. So if array has 1 element - congratulations, you get JObject not JArray... You can't make this sh** up.
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