
My teacher doesn't know the difference between java and javascript

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    @pxgamer believe it or not she's actually my programming teacher. However I'm in high school and the school programme only includes basic c++, so you can imagine the horror
  • 2
    I had a database teacher who thought js and java is the same
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    lol πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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    Last week my boss asked me "is Java and Javascript different?"
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    my team manager too...when i was intern thereπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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    @playmast3r for someone non technical this question is completely logical, but from someone who teaches coding this is absurd. How can you learn from someone who doesn't even know the basics? :p
  • 5
    It's like Coffee and CoffeeScript
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    @skankhunt42 What's even more terrifying is that in our last year we get to choose between learning oracle or java. Guess who just changed his mind...
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    @wbunton now I see the importance of researching a college you want to go to.
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    ... there's a difference?
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    Never studied CS. Did BA and law, but it's the same thing in other subjects also. There are alot of teachers who are there just for the paycheck and don't know what they are talking about. There are also so specialized experts that they seem like children in other subjects. And there are teachers who are forced to take classes not in their field of expertise due the changes in curriculum.
  • 0
    wait, aren't they the same?!
    like Car and Carpet the same, right?
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