
I really can't focus on anything else when there's an unfinished assignment or a deadline approaching.. I debug in my sleep and daydream in public transport thinking about all the things I'll have to code later.

I hate it because I'm ignoring all my loved ones during days like these and it always backfires on me somehow. However, I can't help myself - I am always stressing out..

  • 2
    Me too, and I keep re coding things I already daydreamed of.. but I've discovered that making an outline as comment on the source code or on a to-do helps me not come back to it every time I have some idle time.
  • 1
    I feel your pain...
    My escape route is usually gaming or watching series. Not MrRobot, because I always try to setup some of the ideas he talk to evaluate if it is feasible in real life...
    Damn it
  • 1
    @thiagoavadore I've done the same with Mr Robot
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