
Motherfucking middle fucking mouse button paste always fucks up the fucking code and it's too fucking late when you realise it.

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    You can disable that somewhere in the settings.
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    This is the weakest comeback of the year my king.
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    Not really, just didn't wanted to ruin your holidays broski. You made an incorrect statement that's all. Get over it. Don't be like kids on 9gag:)

    To be honest i like sysadmin stuff and agree with your rant mostly but in my oppinion you can't call a part of CS king because it is a whole spectrum and each element relies on another element and on and on. It's like a board of directors in your simile.

    Anyhow this one here wishes you a happy new year! Time to get your whisky on the table :)
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    Well it would be correct if there was a scientifically made and proven leaderboard amongst Computer Science elements and Your love would be the top on that. Until that, your statement seems very incorrect to me. Sorry.
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    It's the way she goes.
    The truth is never easy broski.
    Now gtfo my rant would you?
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    Happy New Year for you aswell!
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