Commit message: :wq ::::wq :wq :wq

  • 2
    You do realise you can set up git to use another editor too, do you?
  • 5
    @kamen nah. Where is the sexual fun of punishing your self?
  • 1
    @IntrusionCM ":wq" would make a rather difficult safe word in nerdy S/M circumstances 😄
  • 2
    I knew one guy who always wrote "New commit" as a commit message.

    I told him that he's a retarded asshole. He didn't understand why. "But this is a new commit...right?!"
  • 0
    @thatDude I mean... he's technically right
  • 3
    OK, this is the third time this week I've seen something like this. Does everyone use git commit instead of git commit -m?
  • 0
    @Angry that's what I was thinking. If you need an editor to type your commit message, it's probably too long.
  • 1
    "recording macro"

    No, No.. I just want out!
  • 0
    @ConfusedDeputy that's the only issue I tend to have with vim. So many times when I aimed for :q but missed the colon somehow.
  • 0
    @Jilano lol i did not repost it. It's an actual copy paste from a junior dev's commit.
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