
I'm a bit confused...

  • 6
    You know what end users are like, it's always best to be as unambiguous as humanly possible
  • 14
    I wonder if they have an alert that says:

    "Are you sure you are ok? Press ok again to ok"
  • 11
    @tahnik you pressed OK, are you sure you're OK? You don't seem Ok. Perhaps you should talk to someone so we all know you're Ok
  • 3
    Everything's going to be ok.
  • 2
    That's what happen when the button doesn't look like a button.
    Use shadow/gradient for god sake!
  • 3
    @aadilp NO, IM NOT OK!
  • 2
  • 1
  • 1
    Worse yet, in Jira, if you want to cancel a new ticket, the two options it gives you are "Cancel" and "cancel," but which cancel cancels, and which just cancels?
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