Do drugs n weeds help in becoming awesome at coding and especially hacker? ...

Asking for a friend.

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    I don't know. Mr.Robot says yes
  • 17
    The only drug you need is caffeine.
  • 8
    Every substance that impairs the functionning of your brain is bad for coding.. .
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    NullPointerException: Friend not found
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    Absolutely not it makes you code so bad stupid errors and you spend 20hours trying to figure out what went wrong when everything is wrong
    Stay away from drugs, listen binaural sounds from youtube even if they do not alter your brain i find their sound very focusing
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    Maybe for getting new ideas since you have other perspective on things and different mindset but for coding only caffeine ☕
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    @yonathanMeguira i love binaural sounds. It's magical and i listen to it whenever i feel sick or feverish and it had made me feel better. I don't know if it's just a placebo effect but i guess it works.
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    Some but weed or alcohol will not help you generally want an upper... Like speed or coke or md it keeps you awake that's for when your actually coding... Other stuff can help with ideas But again... I've never done drugs *cough*
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    I recently read an interview article about a hacker group who hacked newsworthy people and they claim to be drug addicts. Wondering if it's just a persona they are trying to create.

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    Weed is good for having nice ideas, write them down and wait till you're sobered up. Never code knowledge drugs tho, that's probably gonna do more worse than good
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    Microdosing FTW. Or, Adderall... What ever is easiest to come by.
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    Weed is helping me to a lot of nice ideas and using adderall to stay concentrated
  • 2
    Drugs + coding => paranoia
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    Probably not but they help with literally everything else.
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    Cocaine fits well for PenTest to try to think of all the possibilities... paranoia FTW!
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    A little bit of alcohol helps. Like a pint. Drugs...hell no.
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    Most parts of my blog were written stoned. This is why I added about 24 eastereggs.
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