So I'm working on a project with another developer and a frontend guy. Now the frontend guy has the lead as the other dev and I can only do our job based on his work. So he had 3 months to deliver us the first part BUT has rarely been in communication. When he does email he just says "designing concept "FOR 3 FUCKING MONTHS" Now we are 1 week before the project is due for delivery and he is saying that he will send us over the concept this FRIDAY!! 3days days before project is due.........................................................................................AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHRBFKDBDKSJRUDISNCFKSORVEOFBFOWBFFKDKWNDB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 0
    How exactly did you think, sitting on your ass and waiting for him to deliver for months on end would turn out?!?
  • 0
    What if I told you backend work is rarely heavily dependent on frontend ? What's holding you guys back from doing work exactly ? If you have a concept/idea you don't need to know a lot from the frontend guy...
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