
Life would be so easier if they start providing IDE in exams rather than writing all codes on sheets🥺🥺

  • 16
    They do in most countries, sorry you have to deal with that. Hang in there!
  • 9
    Daamn you have to write code on paper? That sucks
  • 1
    @SortOfTested I would like to know if that's a fact.
  • 1
    Same here.
    In fact, I'm writing an exam Monday and will have to write tons of java on paper again.
    Fucking garbage.
  • -1
    Easier? Maybe..Dunno, not for me..
    I still prefer paper.. makes you think what you want/need to do before writing down the code..
  • 1
    Paper is basically a more difficult exam as you generally have to remember all the syntax and commands exactly plus it is harder to erase and you would have to be more skilled in programming in that language.

    Do I still think exams should be on paper, no fucking way.
  • 0
    They want to test if you can write correct code with negligible reference, using IDE will make it a lot easier. And, it's very less often, they have practical examination. Guess, your bad luck.
  • 0
    If it's Assignments, they don't want you to just copy paste
  • 3
    Exams on paper don't mean that you have to get the syntax 100% right. It doesn't have to compile. The assignments are probably easier than they would be if you used an IDE.

    At least that's how it should go.
  • 1
    I did on my university.

    Quite interesting that I had programming in HS and we used borlan C to write codes for exam while entering university of the same school I had to use paper on my firsf 2 years.
  • 0
    Sevastopol State University? I was writing test there once, and this is utter shit. Human cannot compile code on paper unequivocally!
  • 2
    @electrineer this is my experience too, they don't ask you to write a lot only to demonstrate some concepts you should know how to do anyways
  • 0
    I've had to write program exams in Notepad. Not notepad++, notepad. Our school even had a good IDE (IntelliJ) license for the students.

    Our professor would state 'You'll only learn the language if you can write it without the computer telling you how it works".
  • 0
    Well I had to write SQL joins and subqueries on paper too
    In fact every prog exam I had was written on paper

    And I'm ok with that
    Most of the time I'm good at the subject and I know syntax 😄
  • 0
    Oh jesus that reminds me those dreaded C and assembly exams. *barf*
  • 0
    Damn and I thought my school was retarded. Can't believe they still make students do that in 2k20.
  • 3
    @SMDBillGates you don't have the right to call anything retarded if you write 2k20 instead of 2020.
  • 0
    @electrineer I'm sorry retardedpolice
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