
I really don't enjoy visual studio

Is not bad but it's not worth the disk space it takes up..

Also, if your disk is starting to fill up and vs is filling the most space, YOU CAN'T <swearword> UNINSTALL IT FROM YOUR PC

To remove the shit, I had to upgrade to Windows 10 (our school PC's are not allowed to have Linux) and delete my whole fucking disk, just to get it removed

Fix your shit ms


  • 6
    How can they tell you're running Linux?

    And as far as ides go, the newest version of VS isn't that bad. Gigantic, yes, but probably one of the best I've used.
  • 3
    I agree with @psudo, VS is probably the best IDE I've ever used. Disk is cheap :).. And you don't have to install everything
  • 1
    @psudo @viking8 yes, it's an ok IDE. But when it won't start on Windows 7 machines and not at all on Linux is hard to like it
  • 1
    /uninstall /force
  • 1
    @Duckman Why aren't you allowed to use Linux? Is it just because of the VS tie in, or is the IT department dumb and think it's a network side security risk?
  • 2
    @psudo I'm currently not in college (still 13) and I do sadly not study computer science yet (even though that's waiming for) and the school is just stupid even it comes to PC's

    I have elementary OS on a USB so I got around it though
  • 1
    @Duckman Ah, that makes more sense then. Be careful with the USB. Don't get your computer privileges revoked.
  • 2
    @psudo nah is OK, I asked the IT dude and he says it's ok (he also uses Linux daily and understand my problem) so it's ok

    Thanks for caring
  • 1
    @psudo Perhaps because Windows is actually manageable at scale?!?!
  • 2
    @drRoss I was under the impression he was a college student and therefore likely to be on his own machine. In that scenario there is no reason for his school to mandate windows. But seeing as its most likely their equipment I certainly understand why they'd want it to be Windows, including because of that.
  • 1
    @makmm I take Spanish lessons as my third language in school so

    Mis hablas un Poco de español

    Om not that good at grammar though so it's probably not correct to say that but..
  • 1
    @makmm that sounds about right
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