
How do you explain to a bunch of teenagers that their Smartphone/Tablet is, in fact, a computer?🤔😐😕

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    They are little workers. They can do stuff and they can tell other workers what they are doing.
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    Dictionary definition of computer, electronic device (box) capable of accepting input (typed text, swipe, click, picture) processing (doing something invisible with) that input, running programs (apps) and producing output (more text, pictures and pokemon)...? Dunno..?^^
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    Show them the "Evolution of the computer" graph and show them how they relate
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    Tell them to open the calculator app they no doubt have.

    Then all you have to say is .... The main purpose of a computer is to make calculations. As you can see that's what your phone can do , behind the scenes it's doing millions of these calculations, so you can send messages and play games
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    @FitzSuperUser from my experience, that's having too high hopes for them x)

    I had to give an analogy of a computers parts in terms of human anatomy...

    Had a hard time hammering in the short / long term memory to ram / disk and brain to mind (lol)..

    Then when the majority finally got it, proceed to draw draw visual explanations and pair components..

    Eventually though, none of them had any processing capacity left to digest the information..

    What triggered me the most was most of them genuinely thought iPhone is the definition for smartphone and iPad is the definition for tablet..

    So yeah, resorted to explaining Apple products then trying to hammer in the difference by Atleast attempting to explain the operating system..
    Which totally went over their heads..

    Good luck.. :)
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