
Anyone that tries to solve my Stackover flow question, gets down voted 😂 What's worst, I got down voted after 20mins. Worst, it can't be solved! Fuck! Guess no sleeps tonight

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    people are a little overzealous with the down votes on there.
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    @puerto down-voting is power. Some can't resist the power.
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    Have you tried the Xamarin forums?
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    @georgelynch nope. My project is all swift.
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    If I could I'd take a look at your issue but I dont know swift 😂
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    @georgelynch my thought exactly.
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    @liammartens I'll post a link later
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    yeah..please post the question here.I could have a clue or something
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    Ok I've used didSelectRowAt to get the selected row but my instantiateViewController lags for about 7 seconds before displaying the view. Know why?
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    Never mind the wide spaces 😂
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    @sylar any reason indexPath is declared in function and as a param? most likely ain't the problem but I've seen weirder
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    @jckimble OMFG that was causing the lagging to switch views! F ME! Yup that's is. Thanks. Don't ask why I had it there 🤔
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    @sylar it happens. I wish I could say I'm surprised but it's usually always the dumbest crap that screws us up. oh well another score to general programming being that I never used swift a day in my life lol
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    @jckimble So you're not a Swiffer but yet you solved my 5hrs debugging?
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    @sylar I've been at this for years jumping between languages, so I usually can look at any code and debug some of it, brainfuck is obviously an exception to that rule though lol. a fresh pair of eyes tends to do that, took about a minute just reading the code to see what it did. so the rubber duck approach should have worked here.
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    @jens-peter SO weird. I try not to ask any questions anymore.
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    @sylar I don't like SO either, I just google my problem and if I don't find it I figure it out myself. but it probably got down voted cause they saw what I did in a few seconds and thinking you didn't research. but I am surprised an ide didn't catch that
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    Bit of a side note but it seems there are devs that want to help each other and others that want to be opinionated jerks. I have seen this more and more over the years.
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    @georgelynch come on not all of us down vote, most of us comment
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