
What is the easiest way to convert a PHP/MYSQL app into android app?

My client needs it urgently and I'm not getting paid. So I don't intend to put much effort into it. It's just a gesture of goodwill.

  • 1
    You might have to build a JSON API with PHP and build a javascript one with something like React Native or cordova.
  • 3
    PHP is a server side web language, i wouldn't use it to do anything but that.
  • 2
    sorry everything you wrote is wrong. no way to convert from php to android. goodwill, you really shouldn't cause they will ask you to fix things for free now. your best option for a quick fix is a webview like said above even if you got to make the site responsive. but if you want something to do for "goodwill" I have an app idea I need made with react native
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    goodwill is important - both PHP and MySQL are free. I'm all for relaxing rules for good people.
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    @h3ll Perhaps a little harsh, sometimes people put greed aside and do nice things.

    Either way, this shouldn't be punished.
  • 3
    @h3ll Wrong again, businesses do each other favors all he time and freelancing isn't the same as business.
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    @h3ll To provide context, devRant is working with an agency to create a better website in return for a honest review of their service.
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    @h3ll They are referred to as "client" which means they are a customer already either previously or because of a pre-existing agreement.

    This sounds like an extra thing on top of what was already agreed on prior.
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    Wait? Client but not getting payed? What is this shit. And also urgently? If he needs it RIGHT NOW he better start paying noh?
  • 0
    1) don't do it... Tell yor client that your not doing charity...
    2) crazy ideia I just had... Create an android app that the only thing that have is an iframe (or similar name not android dev) to the online app and done.
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    @fabiomsnunes on android it's called a webview
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    @jckimble great. Thanks ;)
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