Open source VS proprietary.

Your opinions, Go.

  • 16
    Open Source for life...
  • 6
    Open source all day erryday <3
  • 4
    I don't care as long it does the job, well.
  • 5
    Open source, because being able to read the source code and get to understand how stuff work tends to be a great help when shit fans the hit >_<
  • 4
    Depends, i am not one of those people that preach free is the only way as they both have benefits.

    One benefit of proprietary is it has a revenue steam to develop compatibility.
  • 1
    Open source. Because in an age of secret backdoors and mass surveillance, I'm sure not going to work with closed source software.
  • 1
    @nblackburn Open source annd free are two different things. Free might not be open source and vice versa.
  • 2
    I'd go for the cross platform open source option first. frankly I'm really liking dotnet core so far except for its reliance on visual studio still sometimes at times. like if u need that tooling preview, u need visual studio. Microsoft needs to get off that ide tit
  • 0
    @kpenc Depends on how you interpret free
  • 3
    @nblackburn As in free speech, not free beer. :)
  • 1
    @kpenc @nblackburn libre, not necessarily gratis
  • 2
    @h3ll @Artemix the trust is in the community.
  • 0
    @kyleperik @kspec While i am thankful for you explaining what the difference is, i actually know but was simply stating that there was multiple was it could be interperated (one being right and the other...well not so much).
  • 2
    How awesome would be if Richard Stallman were on DevRant and joined this conversation? He would call us idiots, tell about free vs open source and bless our Unix machines.

    Too bad he is a genius that will never have a smartphone...
  • 2
    Open source all the way, besides it made my feel part of a greater good and community it gives my certainty that issue fixes and updates are constant.
  • 1
    Depends in the job, but always trying to get the open source in where I can.
  • 0
    Proprietary doesn't imply the source is closed, just look at unreal engine
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