I'm starting to learn a new programming language
Anybody have tips for Perl or c++

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    @tahnik lol I meant actually giving me tips for Perl or c++ and not giving a suggestion on which I should pursue
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    @Jase what platforms I can develop for with each language.what cool frameworks/libraries I can use eith each of the languages.
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    I'd recommend learning the basics of C++ first. http://learncpp.com is still a good resource to use. Try to have a good grasp of what are pointers, references, heap, stack, RAII and such. At first, making command line programs would be good enough, up until you understand the OOP part of C++. Personally, I refrain from using fancy IDEs and use simple text editor such as Sublime Text. (I just tried Atom for basic C++ stuff, and it's good.) Compile from command line with g++. A lot of newcomers uses Code::Blocks, and it's pretty good too.

    Then, try to make basic GUI programs with Qt. Qt has their own IDE, which can also be used with VS too. Don't worry about their licensing bullshit, just try to tinker with it. You will learn the difference of static and dynamic linking at this point. My first C++ program was Cookie Clicker.

    Next, learn about libraries such as boost, and you should have enough knowledge to do whatever you want; from making VSTs in Juce to embedded software. Cheers!
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    The C++ Programming Language by Bjarne Stroustroup? himself
    Then check out Boost and ACE
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    fluentcpp.com is kinda good if u have some knowledge in cpp
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    Use libCURL for all you http needs
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    If you haven't yet taught yourself C, I would encourage you to do that first. That is because you wanted to have tips for exciting platforms to teach yourself on. With C there are tons of accessible and really fun target, ranging from simple to hard. An easy and incredibly fun start could be Arduino, a C subset programmable micro controller with TONS of tutorials. You'll get a bonus of learning some electronics.
    Best thing is, everything you learn will be available when you then want to continue on to C++.

    Sorry for long and off topic comment. 😁
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