A cracker just fell under my desk.

I cannot find it.

It's not possible that the cracker traveled farther than everywhere I looked.

But I still can't find it.

  • 6
    Boi all the philosophy on dR today.
    Dunno where it is but I found one today
  • 4

    Well I too was under my desk ... looking for it....
  • 7
    It's under your butt
  • 4

    Standing desk.

    Checked anyway though, no luck.
  • 7
    Maybe it cracked the restrictions in this simulation
  • 8
    Quantum tunneling. Its in your sock.
  • 4
    Its the borrowers.

    The will return it any time, often when you least expect or want it ;)
  • 5
    As soon as the cracker detected someone searching for it, it vanished into its secret hideout where it sits in a dark room infront of an old cathode ray screen wearing a hoodie while fast-typing random passwords into a custom full-screen authentication dialog...
  • 6
    I found a cracker under MY desk.. I don't eat crackers.
  • 3
    Check your clothing, pockets, etc.

    Looking forward to an update on its whereabouts.
  • 1
    next time put a Tracker on your Cracker so when he slips under your desk pick it up and cronch it
  • 2

    That explains a great deal.
  • 3
    check your oabts cuffs if they're rolled.

    theres also the possibility it landed edge first and rolled like a wheel. seen it happen.

    what an exciting life I lead.
  • 3
    i remember reading somewhere that there's a fraction of a chance that fusion can occur on impact of two objects. maybe it's in your anus. the molecules will actually bind together.
  • 5
    The bug gods demanded a sacrifice....
  • 1
    @GhostDev this is my favorite reply so far.
  • 2
    Maybe the dog snatched it up like a ninja.
  • 0
    @JeffGregg ya got ya first double D++ from a kid! welcome to dev rant =))
  • 0
    @JeffGregg Your most very welcome :)
  • 1
    Glad I'm not the only one this happens to! lol
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