Are you ok Firefox? I mean... 4 tabs...

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    My ram usage is fine. What kind of tabs?
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    Your computer likes disco?
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    @DjSall @Artemix Yeah, a couple of minutes after it crashed brutally
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    @Bobj2008 That's not exactly what it means in Italian 😂
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    Had the same thing today. 6 tabs 900 mb. My hole shitty laptop froze.
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    I hear your Android Studio process laughing at you.
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    @Gianlu I know it means Disk
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    Are you sure it's not chrome in disguise?
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    @sprudelwasserx I had two projects opened and onw of them was building, so I'm not gonna blame him... It gets worse than that sometimes
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    @j-dev-o That's what I thought at first 😂😂
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    That's normal if there is any tab with a flash video on it. Sometimes add-ons also are eating ram (ad blockers, for example). Or Spotify web player interface (also to blame flash)
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    I also use ff and frekvently have 10-20 tabs open and often 2-3 windows and I rarely have memory problem.

    But it depends a lot om the pages.
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    @Artemix 60 tabs == about 500mb ram for me...
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    Depends on what the tabs are doing.
    Of each is running some big javascript and 8 addons. Then yes it can go out of hand quick
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    Am surprised that Android Studio is using 0%
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    Oh. Crashfox strikes again! :)
    I've noticed it starts to build up ram after staying to long on one site (e.g. debugging :) ). One time it got to over 2 GB for me just for letting it stay on youtube playlist. :D
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    How do you get android studio to use *only* 1.3GB. On my current project I cannot get it below 4GB.
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    dude , your fox is sick!
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    @arekxv@LlamaTactica Sometimes it get higher, but honestly I never reached 4gb. You must be working with a very big project...
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    @arekxv You're right! That's exactly what I was doing! I was debugging some HTML from a site and I left the console open. But anyway it's not the first time I Ieave it open and it never done this..
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    I recommend you to send crash report to Mozilla and file a new bug report in Bugzilla.mozilla.org. No personal information will be needed. Crashes are marked red by default, so bug pops up and someone will comment very quickly.
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    @bdhobare its just uses 101%, and task managers were not programmed to show that.
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    Well, for some reason, Task Manager uses a lot of memory.
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