If you're having a bad day, think about the fact that BuzzFeed reporters have PGP keys for confidential tips

  • 0
    I don't see your point. It is similar to wikileaks then?
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    @darksideplease You need to watch some news son! ☺️ But anyways, if you don't know, they're under heavy fire for publishing some fake news and trying to justify it as the new age journalism. For a company that's probably going to join the shit creek with gawker, PGP keys look like they're trying too hard to be taken seriously.
  • 2
    To be fair, which kind of princess I am is pretty sensitive information. 😛

    In all honesty, though, it's sad how much better-funded they are than many other news outlets. I've been impressed by some of their in-depths in the past, but you can't expect consistency from an organization like that.
  • 1
    If you read the news you're misinformed, if you don't read the news you are uninformed. I prefer the latter.
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