
This actually happens

  • 4
    Can’t wait for tomorrow
  • 1
    I used to keep a series of DOS 'tree' command prompts open on my PC back in the day.

    Same result.
  • 1
    I guess u r not surronded by other devs
  • 11
    These posts get worse and worse holy fuck
  • 0

    (Real Hackers Use Bash-Based Terminals But Never Actually Bash, Probably Something Like Zsh)
  • 0
    Dude you're just a meme bot. Fuck off.
  • 1
    @rooter twice lol
  • 1
    @rooter oh God I read each one like two or three times in middle school bc I was hired if reading other books + my school didn't have any left id like lmao

    And I read it once like 3 years ago and then again this past summer bc it's the only book I had at the time
  • 1
    Same was said about me when a colleague saw my Linux Mint Default Wallpaper™
  • 0
    @rooter while it is true that if you have to sudo install zsh it is not required anymore, it helps on machines which already have it installed
  • 0
    @rooter yeah, I do the same stuff, too. Point is learning zsh and using it in its originality gives that satisfaction and we can't stop people from learning it due to the popularity among dev community
  • 1
    A non-dev with whom I'd been working once asked me why I was showing off my fancy and complicated software, I'd just opened sourcetree to switch branches ._.
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