Fuck this shit.
I got tested positive this morning.
I might have accidentally infected my parents and my colleagues.

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    Probably on New Year, but noone I partied with has been reported infected.
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    @metamourge Have they all got tested? What about other housemates/neighbours you saw in person?
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    @metamourge ah so you partied...
    well i hope you recover speedily!
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    You'll be fine, just isolate yourself for about 2 weeks, use soap to wash your hands properly for at least 20 seconds and try not to cough, at least not without covering your mouth and nose.

    If you're asymptomatic you're essentially not contagious unless you go around licking everything or sharing glasses or cutlery.

    And if your parents are younger than 70 they will most probably be fine, younger than 60 and they will most certainly be ok
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    @metamourge so you ignored the healthcare guidelines designed to prevent you getting COVID, and now are upset because you have COVID?
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    I didn't,
    Here in germany, we had a limited number of people allowed for NY.
    None of those got reported positive and 1 even gets tested regularly for infection.
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    Yikes, stay safe and get better soon!
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    @kwilliams It's easy to assume that it's someone's own fault, but with infections everything is a probability curve.

    Distance, mask usage, speaking volume, hygiene, outdoors/indoors, age, genetics, preexisting conditions, ventilation/weather, tendency to fidget, etc -- They're all weighted modifiers which together create a risk percentage.

    It's not a set of booleans, where you "follow the rules, and you won't get infected", it's "follow the rules, and your chance of being infected decreases".

    Even in unlikely cases, there's still risk -- It's just that the probability curve gets closer to zero depending on the combination of measures taken.
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    hope for you to get better man, shit hits hard on the people that i know, thankfully they have all recovered and so will you
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    That is not how pregnancy works.
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    @Hazarth Essentially not contagious if you don’t go around licking things?that makes no sense.

    If a person who has HIV has no symptoms is it safe to have sex with them? Of course not. Symptoms are the body’s response to the virus not the virus itself. It is like when there is a flu in your household and one person feels sick for 6 hours and another is sick for a week.

    This is an airborne virus. If you breathe the same air as someone with Covid-19 and get enough vapour you are probably going to get it. Symptoms or not.
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    That's a completely unrelated example... in the case of HIV sex is the main way of transmission. ofc you gonna get it if you engage with the fluids of another person directly like that...

    What I'm saying is that CoV2 is not really transmitted by air but in droplets... now droplets are heavy.. heavier than air so while breathing does get trace amount of it the main way of transmission is aerosolization, and the main way of that happening is caughing because of the forces and air flow involved (both nose and mouth)

    but if you don't have symptoms, e.g. coughing in this case primarily, you're much less contagious because you don't spray the infected fluids in the air, where the tiny tiny droplets stay much longer, not to mention cover surfaces they fall on...

    just breathing, especially calm breathing barely does this, this is why asymptomatic people living with families often don't infect their partners, children and so on.

    that's all I meant
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    PCR tests are unreliable. Get the better test. Not sure what it is called.
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    @Hazarth If you live in a cold climate often you can see breath hanging in the air. With strains like the b1117 from the UK it takes 70 times less viruses in the initial viral load to generate the same infection. So even the fog from breath can generate enough viral load with that one.
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    @Hazarth also talking/yawning/etc makes droplets. Don’t believe me go talk an inch away from a mirror and you can see the droplets.
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    @irene naturally, but as I said, It's significantly less contagious if you don't get a caughing fit in the middle of the kitchen for example. Thus isolating is much more efficient if you're asymptomatic.

    Im just trying to calm the bloke down, he seemed upset over it
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    @Hazarth I saw reports that both a university in florida and researchers in china saying asymptomatic spread is not a thing. I don't know the parameters of their research. It may assume social distancing and masks. A guy that sits on the other side of the wall of me got covid. I didn't and neither did other people who were working with him directly. We have been social distancing.
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    @Hazarth Not true. You are just as contagious but producing lower levels of viral loads. So transmission rate may not be lower depending on the virulence. All it takes is one viral load to generate an infection. Asymptomatic people will still make a significant viral load by breathing. The risk of contracting from a surface or from food is known now to be much lower than was initially thought during the early pandemic.
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    @vigidis If only the deep state swamp and big tech hadn't joined forces with George Soros and MSM to censor the right of free speech to protect full scale insurrection!

    Disclaimer: Because of Poe's law, I have to note that while I expect @vigidis will understand this as satire, just in case some of the rest of the readers don't...


    Ya'll do whatever crazy ass shit you gotta do but don't you dare take down my internet, kay?
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    When i tested positive i sat in my room until the fever went down, only coming out with a mask and always washing my hands before. My two roommates never got it.

    You'll be fine, dont worry about it.
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