Is there anyone the who reads the manuals? Am I missed a revolution or something? What's going on guys?

  • 1
    Man pages are a godsend
  • 2
    yeah..the official docs are golden..read Swift's docs cover to cover and even compiled from sources.
  • 1
    Official docs are always good, it they are well made.
  • 0
    Yes, RTFM
  • 2
    I try to go as deep as I can. I hate the "it just works man don't worry about it". Yeah great but WHY does it work?
  • 2
    Goes doubly for JavaScript... Sadly mooost people assume it works like other languages, don't bother to learn how it actually works, and then proceed to end up here whining about its incomprehensibility. Haha 😊
  • 0
    @Chefren Exactly this. Half of the people complaining about JavaScript haven't actually spent the time to understand it.
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