Funny SO easter egg for those who haven't already seen it...

If you navigate to http://stackoverflow.com/admin.php/ you're redirected to a random 10 hour YouTube video.

Source: /r/ProgrammerHumor/

  • 32
    Damm, how much shit have you got in your bookmarks!?
  • 9
    I wonder what's in your 'shitty shit' bookmarks folder...
  • 4
    Few years back with Rails Active Admin, we used pornhub as the admin URL 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
  • 2
    Oh DAYUM for 10 hours!
  • 1
    All credit for the GIF actually goes to the Reddit post where I read about this, so unfortunately not my bookmarks bar!

    However, speaking of shit... holy shit how did i get over 100 likes on my first rant? And how does one ever get to 300+ likes, haha.

    And I was excited about being able to build my avatar... XD
  • 2
    They Tweeted It Sometime Ago
  • 1
    Update: it goes to elevator music now
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