
Babel and webpack kicked my ass today. fuck you babel, and fuck u too webpack. neither one of u fucks is making my life any better at the moment. things were moving along, now my app just looks like this. something in this transpile garbage. I'm not missing '>' . it's just not transpiling correctly I think.

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    As long as I need to transpile for ES6 and up ill continue to write ES5 😂
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    ES7 spread is so nice tho
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    that one tag

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    Don't worry you will figure it out. Just simplify your configuration and make no assumptions about how it should work lol
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    and it wasn't really babel after all. I had screwed with my public path to my app.js (react router) in webpack. but the transpiler seemed to not be transpiling. smh. that was half a day there. jeezus.
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    @puerto I feel your pain. I just spent a week on building an npm package using webpack2 to bundle my production build. If you want to check out example config files I'm @fitzk on github. My react-tilecard project's webpack files are in working order haha ( for now ;) )
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    @reduxtris thanks reduxtris. I'm still stuck on hot loading so maybe I will.
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    @puerto for hotloading look at react-tilecard/example :) it's a little different with the latest version of react hot loader.
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