How many hours do you spend at Overwatch and what's your motivation for play?

  • 1
    None. Not a great game.

    CSGO still is the best deep in my heart.
    But Valorant is pretty cool right now.

    My motivation is that the enemies are my stupid clients and I can kill them. This makes me a better player.
  • 0
    What is Overwatch?
  • 13
    @100110111 I think it's a javascript framework
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    @100110111 unless you are joking overwatch is a multiplayer game by blizzard
  • 3
    0 h, I don't use javascript frameworks
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    I don’t do frontend anymore.
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    @Root Overwatch.js is not a library or framework. Overwatch-js does exist. It is a weapper around the overwatch api
  • 7
    @Sony-wf-1000xm3 are you and @Eklavya the same person? We all know that overwatch is a js framework and @RandomQuote is not a bot.
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    @Sony-wf-1000xm3 don’t believe you. Trying to trick me into believing it’s not the new React....
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    @100110111 It is 2 years younger than react so it is not exactly new
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    @Sony-wf-1000xm3 on a more serious note: wait, someone actually plays it?
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    @electrineer Nope. Confirm with @theabbie we are not remotely releated and why wouldnt I delete my account since @Eklavya has more upvotes
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    @Sony-wf-1000xm3 What do I confirm? I don't know you at all, just that you're a 9th grade Indian with some knowledge.
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    0. None.
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    I still play a few hours a week, mostly to hang out with friends.
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    I quit playing OW for over a year now. The seasonal rewards were no longer enticing and my old squad had already moved on to other games like COD Warzone (which I found boring). Time instead went into Destiny 2 but I got bored after Shadowkeep, and I refuse to buy any more new expansions at full price.

    I might give Overwatch 2 a go... eventually. Until then I'll just keep playing Hades to relieve my work stress
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    Overwatch.js...doom.js is way better. It’s a framework that has the following api:
    killFuckerberg(zuckerbergsRatFace) which allows the slayer to bash the fuckerberg’s face into a book shaped rock, close it into his skull, and throw his headless body into a dumpster
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    @electrineer We are different
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    people still play overwatch?
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    I play with my boyfriend. He likes to main lucio and rein and is getting pretty good despite using a controller on PC And having a shitty laptop.

    I tend to play Torb, Hamster boi or zeny though I can play any hero decently well (due to hundreds of hours on mystery heroes).

    There isn't really a motivation to play. It's just kind of "meh Ive been working on something for 8 hours, I need a break".
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    Also zero.
  • 1
    I usually spend a couple of hours a day. But because of work, it is not always possible to play, and I resort to the services https://overboost.pro/overwatch-boo.... The game is many years old and opponents in it have an understanding at any rank, this makes playing much more interesting.
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