Software developers are students for life.

  • 3
    My energy levels beg to differ
  • 7
    Pretty much everyone else is too, to some degree.
  • 2
    Why did you steal that from Vlad Mihalcea who posted the exact same thing on LinkedIn and Twitter?

    Ref: https://twitter.com/vlad_mihalcea/...
  • 1
    No. Totally wrong.
  • 1
    Absolutely true. Learning is a never ending process. In the case of Software Developers, we continuously need to keep ourselves updated with the current technologies.
  • 1
    This thread is cringe. Also learn to properly tag your posts please.
  • 1
    @iiii could you please elaborate on that? Why not?
  • 2
    @Berkmann18 Even he must have read it from somewhere, we don't discourage stealing thoughts here.
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    @electrineer hehe... degree... got it ?
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    And that's precisely why I party all day instead of working
  • 5
    Some of them become scientists and most of them become assembly-line workers though.
  • 2
    @trampfox because a job of software developer is not a fun and dandy "just always learning" work. It includes a lot of grunt work as well.

    If someone has it that good, they have been born with a silver spoon in their mouth.
  • 0
    Bulls. I stopped it after I realize I was paid the same.
  • 1
    @junon damn people act high and mighty about software dev. You are clicking keyboard for hours, calm down.
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    @iiii who says students can't also do work? All the post says is that software devs need to keep learning stuff, which is fairly accurate in general.
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    @RememberMe that's your interpretation which is different to mine. Student is one who's main occupation is education and not other types of work. A job as a programner is not even near that definition, even though programmers should remain updated about modern programming technologies.
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    @iiii words can be used with multiple, slightly different meanings and/or interpretations, what a surprise. That doesn't deserve a "no. Totally wrong." without at least further clarification.

    From Merriam-Webster, a student is "
    1. Scholar, learner;
    2. One who studies: an attentive and systematic observer".

    2 fits pretty nicely over here.
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    @RememberMe I did not state your opinion is "wrong". Your defence based on this premise is uncalled.
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    @iiii I know, I'm not defending anything, I'm questioning your use of an absolute reply aimed at one interpretation without considering the other (common) one. I'm also not attacking you for it or whatever - just pointing out that the other interpretation is pretty well known too. Friendly information. Literally.
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    @RememberMe my reply is driven by my opinion and interpretation, which I've stated.
    "Student" has a specific connotation which does not correspond to a job as a programner.
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    @rooter offensive. If you just wanted to insult me for having a different opinion, then congratulations, you're a piece of shit.
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    Anyone want some 🍿?
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    @electrineer it all ended already. I'm just a bit more sensitive after recently dealing with ultranationalists and their bullshit.
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    @rooter sorry. My reaction was too harsh.
  • 0
    @rooter no, politics makes me wanting to kill. It's too full of bullshit beyond any hope of repair.
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