Not anti-man, curious about this particular problem:
Females have unique problems in the workplace and personal life yes, because of stereotypes.
I agree, I am a female. But when i read those articles about what we really go through, I really feel weak. I think if these many obstacles are present how am I supposed to do something without instinctively being influenced by the society.
It really felt better when I consider myself human not female.

What do you people do when you feel weakened by these impositions?

  • 13
    Distance yourself from victim mentality. Men and women are different but just as capable intellectually

    The world isn't a patriarchy and you aren't naturally inferior, so go and prove these ideologues wrong, I believe in you ✨
  • 7
    @12bitfloat Hey thanks :)

    But a point here. I don't want to prove anything to anyone else. I don't want to prove that I am a female and I can excel, I want to prove to myself that whatever I want I am capable of working for it and achieving it.
  • 11
    @true-dev001 That's right, don't prove yourself as a woman, prove yourself as an individual (even if only to yourself) that happens to be a woman

    Ironically most of the people pretending to champion equality of opportunity nowadays do the exact opposite and are quite literally obsessed with demographic characteristics. It's a weird world
  • 7
    Unfortunately the woke warriors are ruining it a bit for you. In my experience, however, it's not as bad as a lot of people make it out to be.

    If you're a good engineer, most of the time you'll be seen as such. Women in the field are rare, yes, but good engineers (from any demographic) are much rarer. If you are a legitimately good engineer then people will see that because it's more special than being a certain gender.
  • 4
    @12bitfloat Agree!!

    Sometimes I feel like that I should work extra to be a Full stack developer, I am a backend developer right now. I have good sense of it already.
    But sometimes feel like that learning these seems girly so people will think I am doing easy stuff(I hate this thinking), I dislike it when I have these thoughts.
    Looks like time to change the definition of girly.
  • 4
    In my experience on the whole - knuckle down, do good work and it'll get noticed.

    Yes, you'll encounter dickheads who demean you because you're a woman. You'll encounter dickheads who demean you because they're dickheads, and there will be the other ones who try to prove themselves to you simply because you're a woman, and it's good to have you on side for that reason.

    The majority though, in this day and age, really should be ok (in western cultures at least, I can't speak for anywhere else.) You'll still have to deal with dickheads, but that's the case with men as well. I know several women at all levels in the industry who have done incredibly well, and are hugely respected by their peers.

    There's absolutely no reason I can see why you couldn't be one of them 👍
  • 1
    News flash, men have men specific problems and hardships at work and in personal life.

    We are all "weak" pretty much in the same magnitude. Life is a bitch which will fuck us all and the most majority can achieve is finding a comfortable pose.

    There's no point in feeling weak,because you are not weaker than others.
  • 3
    @AlmondSauce wow, I am realising how men are so supportive in all this. All the comments from men and all are so sensible. Great community!!!
  • 1
    Yeah I get this.. I'm a queer dude, so i often feel like my success is supposed to be more than me pursuing a goal.

    It's supposed to be this beacon or something that other people who are like me can do this, which is great and all, but that's a lot of extra baggage when its already hard enough to just make the fucking software work.

    If your dream is to prove x type of person can do y type of thing, great.

    If you just want to do it to prove yourself as you (regardless of what you are), great.

    Pursue what you want, tell anyone who says you cant do it to fuck off, and know that everything else is a sideshow.
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