
Where to get help on fixing a bug:
2.Stack Overflow
8479.Your coworker who is coding with his earphones on.

  • 6
    8479??? way too soon
  • 0
    @raven he likes being threatened
  • 0
    whats 8479 mean?
  • 7
    @kalpitjain Personally, I've had better luck finding SO answers through Google than I have searching directly on their site.
  • 0
    Unless it is my coworker who will ask me first
  • 0
    - " can you help me with this ? I followed the sample but couldn't get it to work "

    - " hmm .. they look the same OH WAIT, there .. the function name is IsApproved but you named your function IsReviewed "

    - " .... "
  • 1
    @kalpitjain Let me help you finish that real quick.
  • 0
    I'm getting a stressball!!
  • 0
    @benhongh 8480 your ex-coworker who has left the company
  • 0
    Why repost... Why...
  • 0
    perfect order

    but you aren't start with 0 -_-
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