
One teammate during Standup - I'm working on the things I should be working on.

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    And then he woke up 😂🙈
  • 4
    Totally non-passive-aggressive statement about the usefulness of daily standups when you are working on a feature you expect to be done with in a month...
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    Could go worse... Had some colleagues who took about 40 mins for a freaking standup cause they kept cracking jokes or being stupid.

    "ThE sTaNdUpS aRe So LoNg CaUsE We HaVe LoTs Of FeAtUrEs" -takes 10 mins to say that he made no progress cause he keeps cracking jokes.
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    @piratefox Damn, unless you've got a team of 6+ people, 15mins should be enough for everyone to answer the three questions.
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    means he is doing the work he loves to do
  • 1
    Today mine will be "yesterday I accessed Jira" which was a huge achievement!
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    Personally I hate standups, especially if they're daily. Would rather have weekly if that.

    I find retrospectives even stupider since nobody ever does anything about what we discuss.
  • 3
    @Berkmann18 absolutely agree... The shorter the better, standup is mostly to have an overview, not to do standup comedy
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