So I'm new to C# does anyone know some good begginers program?

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    @TheGeekyGuy what do you mean lol like ask for a name and print that if so I did that already. I even made a quiz to.
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    @MightyNerd you can just follow some tutorials where people explain stuff by building it. My all time favourite is thenewboston
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    @dontPanic yea I've done some of that I made a web browser watching barncules I think that's his name. I just feel more satisfied if I do it myself.
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    A simple but still pretty good one is 'Higher or Lower' where you generate a random number, ask the user for their guess and tell them if your number is higher, lower or the same. In a loop, obviously.
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    @osmarks I think I'm gonna try that
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    Microsoft Virtual Academy (MVA) has tons of resources for C# beginners as well as MSDN's Channel9. You should check them out!
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    Thanks @milkbytes I will then
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    @DLMousey The only time I used Channel9 was just to check some concepts so I have never seen a complete series of them. I just mentioned them since I known they have videos and guides for C#.

    You should check Microsoft's C# course at EdX then. It's really good materials and videos and you can jump straight to the exercises (the course is self paced, I believe).

    Still, keep in mind that for those that are beginning to learn the theory is as the practical side. It's easier for you later on the road to do something when you know what's behind it that the opposite.
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    @DLMousey Sure, I get you. The course I was talking about is this one: https://edx.org/course/... . Keep in mind this course only talks about C# itself, not how to make apps using C#.
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