
Do you guys live a healthy life? Or are some of us here like the stereotypical dev who sits behind a desk eating bad gaining the pounds while stressing the fuck over code lmao

Personally I use to be quite active but now I'm getting back into bad habits and have started to notice that I'm stress eating <.< and choosing dev work over exercise...

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    It varies for me. I don't exercise as much as I'd like, but I've cut back on food to make up for it. Also, our office had a popcorn maker, so I get free, fairly low calorie snacks every day. I do still struggle to move enough, though, particularly my legs.
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    I think those stereotypes are getting less common I used to think of devs as such when I was younger but here I am loving it, I'm also into bodybuilding and spend the rest of my time in the gym so I know it's not true. I also like to think having a healthy lifestyle keeps your brain in check and thus let's you write better code :)
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    I have little time to exercise but I make up for that by cycling everywhere I have to go within my town. Works for me
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    In my experience as a contractor, this stereotype is far from true. I meet so many developers who are almost TOO active. Some do triathlons, others do insane mountain cycling, and one other even cycles 30 miles each way to work.

    I try to keep fit but my stuff is a lot more low key. Cardio and weights in the gym trying to get my body into a better shape.
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    I've got around 200 dev colleagues and I would say that most of them are living pretty healthy: eating healthy, getting enough exercise, etc.

    Personally I try to live healthy too. With varying success:P but all and all, I would consider my lifestyle pretty healthy.
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    Well, I am totally not the stereotype dev. As a triathlete I am training 15 to 20 hours a week. And this season will be my first year in the eredivisie.
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    I wouldn't say the stereotype is far from true. I see plenty of devs slowly replacing their blood with coffee one Starbucks cup at a time and people complaining about not having pizza for lunch (when there's lunch in the office).

    Having said that, I cycle to work, run and bring lunch from home (fruits, vegs and all sorts of goodies). And a colleague runs marathons. :)
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