Apparently this logo is offensive to women! The company had to change the logo.

Can't unsee now 😂

  • 20
    I think it is inclusive to pussys.
  • 14
    So now things are going to get changed just because someone sees it in a different way.. wait.. that sounds familiar.

    Fuck this bullshit. That person (who filed complaint against this) is definitely not fun at “wait till you see it” games.
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    It was so positive in our design research, especially women felt very included in our design.

    Oh well, there goes our Rubels.
  • 15
    Important to understand that this is an Indian brand, so it's not as much about me-too-era symbolic feminism, as it is about chastity and shame inherited from their Victorian British occupation — which is about as far from the ideas of 60's feminism as you can get.

    Somehow, India does that a lot, repackaging sexual conservative/repressive ideas and calling it feminist activism. I get it, considering their history and current culture.

    But damn, it's much more fun to approach gender equality from a positive angle.

    Like, start a competing webshop with a dangling penis as a logo.
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    I get that it could be seen as a symbolic spread-legged woman showing her vagina.
    But with enough imagination everything can. Abstract art wouldn't work otherwise.
    If they would have any balls - or ovaries (especially in this case) - they would just keep the logo and show that freudians their erected middle finger.

  • 6
    @Oktokolo And nudity has nothing to do with oppressing women. Nudity and sex can be positive and negative.

    The logo is not explicitly displaying a woman being held down while a bunch of men are taking advantage of her -- It simply resembles (with some fantasy) spread legs.

    First wave feminism was all about women freeing themselves from the 50's introverted housewife gender role... often also by freeing themselves from fashion/clothes and focusing on a positive sexual experience for women.

    Kind of a brilliant logo for a maternity care clinic, or a webshop selling vibrators, if you ask me.
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    Similar to Streisand effect, just that now normal people will notice this crap too.
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    @bittersweet Yes. You are correct in your views. Every modern “-ism” in India is just plain bullshit. It does not hold any weight against the history and culture of India, the Bharat.

    Liberals are pseudo-liberals, -isms are pseudo—isms. Modern liberals of India can be equated to the shit lying in the toilet. Because that’s where they are taking the country.

    Now, I don’t support 100% conservativeness (if that’s a word). There should be a balance between country’s roots and country’s mental development. But there isn’t in India. Because it has become “India”.

    British Raj fucked the country and left it dying with a new name. Now, the so-called liberals who are liberals because they follow western culture blindly (which isn’t even a culture in my opinion) are fucking the country. Their insecurities are taking the whole country into a shitstorm.

    Fuck extremism! Can people just be people? Just fucking human beings? Without any bloody -ism?

    Fuck -isms!
  • 1

    Side note: How the fuck do you have cultural knowledge about India while being a Dutch? Not that, that’s a bad thing, just curious.
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    The real problem isn’t that it looks like a human laying on their back with their knees bent...

    It’s that the logo is just terrible in the first place. It’s offensive to the history of decision making.
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    I don't see new logo anywhere
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    @sheriffderek I agree. The logo is shit and the designer that made this should have their fingers glued together.
  • 3
    @Cyanide Expat work, and "imported coworkers" have made me somewhat familiar with work & private culture in India, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Japan, Yemen, Syria and various European countries.

    "Liberals" is kind of an awful term these days, it's the semantic equivalent of a condom reused by twelve guys. It used to be a slur used by socialists to show disgust towards free market (liberal) capitalists — then it became a slur used to show disgust towards the delusional spoiled third wave college kids who think the world would be fixed if everyone became asexual and ate nothing but vegan quinoa salads.

    The first two waves of feminism (political rights and career rights) were more than justified. I actually think there's still more to be gained there, things we need to fight for — both for men who want to be good fathers or work in care fields, and for women who face pushback or get unequal pay when they want to become a database admin or a welder.

    But I think the problem in the west is that third wave "feminism" is too often synonymous with misandry and toxic forms of "empowerment" — while the problem in the east is that they barely had a first/second wave of feminism in the first place let alone some form of sexual revolution — and now try to catch up by repackaging classical forms of oppression in terms of western third wave bullshit.
  • 4
    What’s next removing M and W from alphabet?
  • 1
    The new change to remove the pubic part is not enough. I still see it the same way

    Sad thing is I never imagined anything until now. Now, I can't unsee, too. Way to go, activists!
  • 2
    @Cyanide it's probably in the best interests of the company to change the logo, unless they are a sex shop or want to brand themselves as one
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    @rutee07 It's not that they hate their bodies - it's that they love being offended. Bickering around is a way of attention whoring that works also for ugly women, after all.
  • 0
    @electrineer Well, yes. Now that “activists” have made a complaint, the company HAS to change the logo. And that’s my point that why the fuck these things HAVE to happen? Just because an asshole or bunch of assholes sees something in a different way. Like fucking hell man. Where the fuck is this society going.

    I didn’t even see this logo as something the “activists” see, but now I do. Why? Because of the “activists”. So, who’s in the wrong? Me, Myntra or the so-called shit-seeing “feminist activists”. Well, we all know the answer.

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    The more I think about this situation, the more furious I get.

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    It shouldn’t have happened in the first place, but they did pretty good job.
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    @fckIE yeah 😂..
  • 2
    @Cyanide still seems the same 😂
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    @rox79 similar, not same. Hence, good job.
  • 4
    @Cyanide Regardless of politics, It's definitely an improvement from a design point of view. Simplicity is important in logo design.

    Although I would have liked it if they had said "fine we'll change it" and released a super realistic drawing of a vagina as their new logo.
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    @Cyanide I like it better with the dropping butt-hole. I think that it's very "Freeing" that way. We all have them... and really - only butt doctors get this view. Now, it's fair for everyone.
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