
Don you hate when someone from {gender}coders or any other group post photos to all social media channels "coding", inspiration quotes for that specific {gender} , and what not, they even posted their github .. but then .. see pic.

And all you see in their github are exercises from courses and books, nothing else.

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    Eh... I fee like a rando github graph is about as meaningful as their platitudes.

    I probably don't know where they're storing code, how they do it and etc anymore than I know if their silly quotes make sense.
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    Are you saying “women” do this? I’m pretty sure everyone does.

    “Hey! I learned the word ‘tech’ today so now I’m a tech evangelist: saving the word... one meaningless and harmful post at a time...”
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    @sheriffderek I am saying any "evangelist", this particular one was from a gendered one.

    I am not saying all evangelists either.
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    @N00bPancakes I agree, I am not on github as much either, but hey I am not out there saying I code everyday with my coffee and that you should too.
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    @mundo03 and then you have karlee kliess model person - end up on wix commercials...
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    @sheriffderek well, wix's market is people that can't code, so it makes sense.

    I don't know if Karlie can code or not though
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    @sheriffderek Women? Nobody talks about women anymore. They had their time, and the caravan has moved on. These days, the hot new shit is non-binary.

    You know, identifying as hydrant, preprinted tax form, or limited structure gauge.
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    I generally hate when people brag about all the coding they've been doing when not actually doing jack shit regardless what of group they belong to...
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    "Look at me!"
    Unfortunately, society kinda expects this from us. If you’re not proud of what you’re doing, then it means "it’s probably not that good.".
    Gender wise...
    For women, I feel like it pushes so much a mindset of "Yassss queen talk about programming I’m sure you rock at it ~ gurls can do anythiiin" (which in itself just reinforces the fact that it’s apparently "abnormal" for a woman to code, but I digress)
    For men, I dunno. I’m not one. Dunno what the expectations are for you. If I were to assume, I’d say that guys and girls both do the "I just learned a new thing so now I’m an expert". It’s just that when a woman does it, it’s seen as her taking pride in the fact that she chose a path that makes her a minority in her field. And people like the idea of being oppressed when they are not... so yeah. But when a guy does it, he’s just "annoying".
    They’re all annoying. People are annoying. I’m annoying too. I’m pretty sure my post is unrelated anyways.
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    @mundo03 I don’t understand the {gender} note. Everyone is still a “person” right? So, ‘some people’ ???
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    @mundo03 that was karlie kloss’s whole thing... that she could code - and evangelized for it...
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    @sheriffderek sell funny way to show you can code... Using wix.
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    @T33th I agree, people suck
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    When someone brags about coding (don't give a fuck whatever gender) I'm usually not impressed... Annoyed, asking myself what the hell they want from me... A fucking pat on the head for doing good? A nice fisting... Ok. Better stop here.

    Opposite would be eg https://supergoodcode.com/samplin/

    And many many many many others, eg on planet.kde / planet.mariadb / planet.php ... , tons of authors, who write about coding. Eg like here on devRant some folks do.

    Not to brag (ok they brag a little) but more to describe their work, what they coded, what troubles they had, great technical insight into foreign matter.

    You read the blog. You understand only a part. Yet you like "somehow" the author as you can relate with his pains, his troubles finding a solution and his honesty.

    People who brag aren't fun. You cannot relate to them. Coding isn't fun at all sometimes. It's fun when you've solved the problem, but to brag about it without sharing your insight into how you did it is ... Shit in my opinion. Narcisstic.

    Don't take it personal ;)
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    Exactly, and that applies to everything, if you constantly brag you probably don't have it.
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