  • 4
    Word, it's 4:17 am here but I know that as soon as I touch my bed I'm going to be dead for 8h...
  • 1
    the more it's easier to stay awake till 5 am, the more you regret at the morning when I go to work
  • 4
    I guess I'm the exception to this fact since I get up at 5:20 each day but go to bed around 12 due to working on my game :/
  • 2
    this isn't programming exclusive
  • 0
    Does this make me not a programmer? 😥
  • 6
    Sunrises are beautiful... to fall asleep to.
  • 0
    I sleep only at 4pm to 6pm and 4am to 6am and the all day wake up 😂😂😂😂
  • 0
    Ahh so this is what's killing me slowly
  • 2
    @trogus Yes they are. In the mean time i live in a tiny rented room with hardly even any light at daytime 😭
  • 0
    I guess i m weird... I went to sleep @ 11 but woke up a 5am, i couldnt sleep anymore with the sun shining into the room....
  • 0

    I get so much more done if I just stay up for two days straight.... I thought it was just me.

    I call it " going on a run" cuz I know I'll get a week's worth of coding done in 2 days that way
  • 1
    worse when you have an appointment the next day and decide to do an all nighter
  • 0
    The more I C, the less I see.
  • 0
    It looks very interesting as usual. Carry on!
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