

@dfox Does devRant have webhooks? I would like to start processing rants and performing analytics on them but I don't want to tax your servers by polling for them.

All I need is a trigger when a new rant is created.

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    @Letmecode Thanks. I didn't realize the mention did not stick.
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    @ChappIO not in the main text
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    @dfox Same, it would be very useful.
    Also, does does a devrant api exists?
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    @m1guelpf It does but it is not documented
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    @js96 you have worked with the API before right? Care to give some hints?
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    The devRant APIs aren't public.
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    @JS96 it is right now isn't it? I saw that it was using token based authentication now. I even logged in using postman
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    @tahnik it's accessible. Just not 'public'
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    I mean that if you want to use it, you have to contact @dfox, otherwise any uses of them are against "Terms of Services".
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    Yeah for anyone who hasn't used the API please email me for information (david@hexicallabs.com).

    @ChappIO we don't have any webhooks but you can contact me if you're looking for something specific.

    We don't allow general scrapping in mass (ex. trying to pull every rant/profile) but if you're just looking for the most recent rant then polling the recent feed at a reasonable interval should be fine. Please just let me know what you're looking to do with it. While as I think you know we're pretty lenient, we want to stay away from anything that creates competition (ex. any ranks/leaderboards not available in the app) and stuff like that.

    But stuff like jsrant that provides existing functionality in different formats/ways is great as you know :)
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    @m1guelpf yes and I have documented it privately.
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    @dfox in my day job I deal with data. Big amounts of it. I would like to start logging all rants that come in on devRant and maybe run some analysis on it. I have no clear goal for the project other than collecting data for analysis.

    (Might be interesting to crossreference stemmed rants with wiki data to find out what people are talking about)
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    Pub sub?
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    @m1guelpf reread his (dfoxs) post. He gave you an email address to contact him.
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