  • 1
    It's a way of designing code.

    Most languages have them but among the most common are singletons and factories.

    A singleton is a class that only gets instanced once.

    A factory is the opposite where a new instance is always returned.
  • 4
    a design pattern is ... aaaa, the tag
  • 2
    It seems you got some people bro
  • 0
    A way of getting around the shortcomings of object oriented programming
  • 3
    @nblackburn Thank you for the explanation! I have to admit that this was for the weekly thing (your Dev nightmare in 4 words) - but I appreciate that the community is so kind on devRant! Keep being a positive influence buddy!
  • 4
    @qbalsdon ah dang it, fallen foul to that tag again.
  • 1
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