
Today I spent 9 hours trying to resolve an issue with .net core integration testing a project with soap services created using a third party soap library since .net core doesn't support soap anymore. And WCF is before my time.

The tests run in-process so that we can override services like the database, file storage, basically io settings but not code.

This morning I write the first test by creating a connected service reference to generate a service client. That way I don't need to worry about generating soap messages and keeping them in sync with the code.

I sent my first request and... Can't find endpoint.

3 hours later I learn via fiddler that a real request is being made. It's not using the virtual in-process server and http client, it's sending an actual network request that fiddler picks up, and of course that needs a real server accepting requests... Which I don't have.

So I start on MSDN. Please God help me. Nope. Nothing. Makes sense since soap is dead on .net core.

Now what? Nothing on the internet because above. Nothing in the third party soap library. Nothing. At this point I question of I have hit my wall as a developer.

Another 4 hours later I have reverse engineered the Microsoft code on GitHub and figured out that I am fucked. It's so hard to understand.

2 more hours later I have figured out a solution. It's pure filth..I hide it away in another tooling project and move all the filth to internal classes :D the equivalent of tidying your room as a kid by shoving it all under the bed. But fuck it.

My soap tests now use the correct http client with the virtual server. I am a magician.

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    Are you now finding out why soap is dead? 😁
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    Thanks for the warning.
    Didn't know SOAP is dead on .net core and was considering it.

    Upcoming task to interact with a SOAP service exposed by a game server 😁
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    @AlmondSauce hard to say. Seems to me that if the .bet team had included support it would have been fine.

    So I'm sure there is a good reason but I still don't know.
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    I feel you

    We are integrating react in webforms app ;p ;p ;p ;p ;p ;p ;p ;p ;p ;p

    and ofc "we don't have time to migrate to .net core with MVC" cause of reasons
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