Here is a little review, this is more of a personal review, I wanted to make it more professional but it was the first thing I did when I got up after playing on DevRant lol so brain has not yet woken up.

I invite @dfox and @trogus to read it and anyone else who would like to view it.


  • 3
    Good, and well considered review! Im with you on the social media thing, we are on devRant to get away from Facebook, Twitter and all that shit. Lets start a campaign to ditch those buttons.
  • 4
    Not bad. I agree with all the praises and with some of the feature requests. Most certainly this one:

    "the notifs as they call it on DevRant, for me to know where that like [h]as come from comment I have to load it up again, what is it with these [notifs] these days just saying this happened not giving you a idea where it was done[...]"

    I would adore my life if the devRant notifs for "new comment" or "mentioned in comment" would lead to that actual comment itself instead of going to the rant's OP every time. I wonder if this is as possible on mobile as it is on web.

    The Social media buttons are useful to me, because none of my real life friends are on devRant but sometimes a rant is hilarious AF and I want to tweet it (and my Twitter posts to Facebook for me) Also, sharing rants on social media is one decent strategy to spread knowledge of devRant App. At the same time though, an option to disable / hide the social sharing buttons would be a good idea for those who never use them.
  • 3
    Thanks guys, yes there good if you use them I don't think we should cut them out just have a option to remove them :) Thanks for the comments.

    There was much more in my head but I have no idea how to word it so I felt it was enough for now.
  • 2
    The standard share button on ios allows you to share on twitter and facebook anyway, so removing them is removing clutter and the share button can drop down in to the bottom bar, just leaving the obtrusive comment button.
  • 7
  • 3
    That devRant inspires such a thoughtful review and the founders listen to our suggestions is why this has become such a great community! Tell your friends. More people need to know about devRant 👍
  • 0
    @helloworld actually, now that you mention it, Android has an entire really nice Intent API for passing data (like hyperlink text especially) from one app to another. It may be a cool idea to implement intents in Android for sharing.
  • 2
    @Jumpshot44 I definitely love how the devs of this app are also users of it and try their best to implement good feature requests. It's unprecedented awesomeness.
  • 1
    Sorry for the triple-comment (edits are locked >5mins)

    It looks like the native intents API is already being used on the Android app. The share button next to Comment button, "More Sharing Options". I think Facebook and Twitter were singled out and added alongside this button for convenience due to those being the top choices of the intent share button.

    I think it might be good to have only the one share button just open the sharing intent options list, like most other apps do. (And so that the Comment button can take up m0ar horizontal space) Because FB and Twitter are already in the list that would pop up, and Copy Rant Link is already in the 3-dots menu up top.

    Or, maybe also, instead of the share button next to Comment, either add it next to 3-dots menu up top, or even have 3-dots contain a Share option.

  • 3
    Thanks for the review! Many of those items are on our list of to-do's (some are higher priority than others) and we'll certainly take the rest into account.
  • 0
    @dfox That is lovely to hear, Keep up the good work, I really enjoy the site so far and just knowing you even seen the review let alone respond to it has made it worth while doing.
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