
Never heard of anyone in tier 4+

  • 5
    Haskell here. Just for university though but still
  • 1
    Good thing I don't know anyone below the fifth level. Btw lvl 1-3 here 😂
  • 4
    Hahaha. This is amazing. I'm in tier 4 I suppose.
  • 1
    Yeah, experimenting with Clojure and Scala here... It can't be that unusual to be on the fourth level.

    Although finding a keyboard that'll contain the APL characters for later levels can't be easy these days.
  • 0
    I didn't understand this 😓
  • 1
    where's the hell that is called assembly supposted to be
  • 1
    @jckimble x86 ASM?
  • 0
    @nmunro yeah I'm not talking about inline either. I mean the one that has a 512 byte limit
  • 4
    Scala and Clojure at same level with brainfuck. Really?
  • 0
    Meh i was hoping fortran would be a bit lower so i could show off
  • 0
    where is common lisp?
    does lambda-calculus mean common lisp here?
  • 3
    This grafik is full of shit and has been posted way too often.
  • 1
    Don't worry we're here. Just waiting to say hi...from -6000 miles below sea level...
  • 1
    Some of the groupings makes little sense but I've used many of the languages and even tried out lambda-calculus. Only with pen/paper though, I think it's quite theoretical. C/C++/ASM and Haskell are quite nice though.
  • 0
    @scon have you seen Scala's syntax? They're basically identical.
  • 2
    Lambda-calculus here, for university though. No logical person would say "today I want to learn lambda calculus".
  • 0
    @jckimble I like working in assembly. :\

    Edit: also what 512 byte limit...?
  • 6
    Sweet, I'm 1-4. I don't see how SQL is so deep, though 🤔
  • 0
    @Wallpaper yeah SQL got me to 3 too :p oh wait and my beautiful lolcode ofc
  • 2
    Where's scratch?
  • 1
    @Trollbajs In the Himalayas
  • 0
    Tier 5, should I be scared of myself? xD
  • 0
    Where's binary code? Asking for a friend.
  • 0
    Lolcode in the same tier as C?? 😄
  • 0
    @capnsoup the memory limit of a first stage bootloader. I know alot of people don't go that far in assembly though
  • 0
    @jckimble So many weird restrictions in x86 world! All my experience at that level has been with RISC-y archs like ARM and SPARC. I'm guessing that the BIOS+MBR system lets you have just a single sector off the disk to boot with or something?
  • 0
    I can see Python in tier 1 but JavaScript? DAFUQ
  • 0
    @capnsoup its pretty much rewriting a bootloader you can load other files to chain the bootloader like grub does. a few years ago when i learned assembly osdev.org had competitions to make 'fully featured' oses that would fit within the 512 byte boot sector
  • 0
    @jckimble it didn't fit into the picture - it's probably somewhere near the core of Earth.
  • 0
    Oh god it burns!!
  • 0
    COBOL over here B)
  • 0
    Has anyone took a look on malbolge? I think thats unusable...
  • 0
    ALGOL60... The grandfather of programming languages, Didn't even have a standard io solution 😂 death out of the gate. Still revolutionizes most modern languages though
  • 0
    Combinatory logic?
    Have you never met a competitive programmer :3?
  • 0
    I never even heard of the names of the 6+ languages :o pretty accurate
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