
Python just keeps on giving.. everytime i try to do something in python i find out something awesome. The pythonic way of doing things are frikkin cool. I am a huge fan of OOP, and python is my clear favourite until now.

Yesterday i was trying to figure out how to do timed callbacks in python and was figuring out how to use system.alarm for multiple alarms, and ran into sched module.

Too sad i cant use this wonderful thing for my work.

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    Damn how different peoples conception of the same language can be
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    @12bitfloat Maybe i feel this way because i am not doing anything serious with it.
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    @purist Don't worry about it I just kinda find it fascinating
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    I also started to work in Python for the first time after a while + this is also the first serious project in Python for me. I basically want to manage some docker containers and stream stuff to RabbitMQ. I though it would be hard and cumbersome, as I tried similar stuff in Java. But no, the Python APIs are just super powerful in this kind of stuff. The PoC was working quickly, and I could implement quite a few things on the first try.
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    I don't know how you can work without a statically typed language... It is such a nightmare for me. Yes, I know, Python is an hybrid but at runtime nothing is really checked.
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    @xxzer0 There are times when it works and it is quicker this way and there are times when you choose the statically typed language. Also, there is a nice relatively new feature in Python called typehints, which doesn't prevent you from using the wrong types, but at least it helps you out when using a good IDE
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    @Lasoloz I completely agree with you, I was talking about typehints when I mentioned Python as hybrid typed language. I think it's really greet for prototypes as you mentioned but I would never use it in production. (personal opinion)
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    @xxzer0 Well, we will use it in production in the future (hopefully), I don't know if it will work out for us, but our stack won't be python only. We'll use Kotlin as well on our backend. So all in all I'm pretty curious what can we manage to do with these languages.
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    Are you a fan of a screwdriver?

    Language is a mere tool. Being a fan of a tool is weird.
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    @xxzer0 if it was statically checked, it probably does not need runtime checks anyway.
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    @Lasoloz type hints are there not really for IDE but for the tool which statically checks all the code to ensure there are no type errors. But apparently no one uses said tool. Which is sad.
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    @iiii I have seen people say they are fans of some games and consoles. If you wanna go meta on this, games and consoles are also tools in the same way a programming language is..
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    @xxzer0 i get python can fuck things up when you do important stuff on it. I just like using it for small things.. and it easily enables me to do those small things hassle free, instead of using bare system calls to do everything by myself to schedule a callback or use an API.. C++ is great too.. but i find it tedious to get things done with it.
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