
the worse type of clients are the ones who want a web site ready to deploy with all content present, but can't fucking provide their content
I'm talking about an eshop for a big company in the region who can't fucking provide us the products they intend to showcase and considered the work on their page incomplete because it lacks content

  • 2
    Total fucking spunk martians.
  • 11
    Fill the shop with ridiculously funny items that subtly make fun of their ineptitude.
  • 4
    "think small, start big" xD
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    @gedankennebel you made my damn day
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    Shit! Few days back I got the same project. And I have to write the entire content. They should rot in hell
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    @Iamsantosh it wastes my time and their money, since I'll count it as development time whether they like it or not
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    Excellent. Even I do the same and I will add the development time with data collection. But worst part is finding suitable data is hell lot of time consuming shit so instead of thinking about the logic I will be wasting time on searching fucking content
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    After putting it on prod, one day he asked me don't you think it's looking odd as all places are blank. I got angry and said I don't think I have two email id and whatever was mentioned in mail it's there, are you sure you sent me the right mail? Then he didn't uttered a single word. This world is full of shit really.
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    @Iamsantosh never deploy before payment tho, always use a staging server that you fully control
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    Yep, that's correct. But the problem is initially they will say I don't need big I just need small, version on that. But as the day passes that doesn't looks good, I want this I want that. So it becomes crap and I will think how to talk about payment now
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    @Iamsantosh only do the initial agreement, refuse to edit before finishing the initial deal, it makes it easy to require extra pay for extra work
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    Yeah, thank you for your suggestions.
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