Me: Lemme check real quick... ok, that's a null pointer exception.
The intern: Again? Man, I'm growing desperate. How do I stop making these errors?
My dumb ass with my 4 years coding experience, who encountered a nullpointerexception literally 5 minutes earlier: """"°-°""""

  • 6
    Devrant gimme back my images on posts I can't express myself with emoticons, it's not 2009 anymore. Nowadays we need memes, that's the new standard
  • 4
    You've been coding for 4 years and first encountered a npe minutes earlier?!

    I'm not sure whether to be jealous or disgusted.
  • 4
    @AlmondSauce Where did you read first? Because that's not what was meant.

    Other than that it can help not using Java.
  • 3
    No memes pls, learn to express yourself with words.
  • 1
    @electrineer Learn to spell please
  • 2
    @deadlyRants I'm trying to get rid of the memes, for they have ruined me.
  • 1
    @IHateForALiving is devrant's drive full?
  • 1
    There is a reason if languages like TypeScript or Kotlin have a really explicit way to assign null to a variable.

    The secret to don't have null pointer exception is to (almost) never assign null. And if you get data from deserialization/socket, then you've to check every field
  • 2
    @AlmondSauce no, it means you never get rid of them and I got one like 5 minutes before the intern called me desperatedly to know how he could solve them
    @qviper no f clue
  • 1
    Use a language where nullability isn't implicit. Allowing nulls everywhere is just stupid and prevents a shitton of ultra-common mistakes from being found at compile time.
  • 0
    @crisz Sadly that's rather difficult in Java, as non-primitive fields are null by default.
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