I find it way easier to read code than ordinary text.

Am I the only one? Do I have a problem?
After the first sentence my I eyes can't focus to keep reading text. This also happens to my native language except from English.

  • 0
    Me too.
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    Maybe you should write a compiler, you can call it engcode
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    @stop A little bit comforting, at least I am not the only one.
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    @RStrydom I prefer to go see a doctor (even a psychiatrist) than to write a compiler.
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    @theofanis I can't see why, nothing wrong with wanting to be concise. It's like saying you really like math and do it in all your spare time. There's a beauty to logic and for all intents and purposes fixed factual knowledge. Don't sweat it unless you are hurting someone with your behavior, which shouldn't happen too easily.
  • 0
    Same here.. Especially true these days after turning 35 and staring at code all day.
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