I'm trying to load an SVG icon sprite file in a Webpack based application. It's been almost three hours with no success.
This is why I hate frontend development. Libraries are not structured and make no sense. It's a game of luck.

  • 1
    All hail an unicorn magic in the name of bundlers!
  • 1
    Succeeded in the 4th hour and called it a day.
  • 0
    @vintprox fucked up mess.
  • 1
    @rantsauce is it a corporate stack or you can switch to Snowpack? Seems less hogwashed.
  • 1
    @vintprox It's a personal project. I'm not following what's going on in the frontend world, fortunately. I will check this out. I barely made Webpack work so let's see how that goes.
  • 1
    Fuck webpack it is seriously useless
  • 3
    13 hrs to debug a webpack plugin, due to a documentation error, this is what happens when lotsa non enginerrs build a system, its like car parts of all different sizes jb welded together and the boss wonders why parts are falling off
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