type(rant) = shameless_self_promotion

I made an open source python personal assistant named W.I.L.L!

I made a reddit post about it here: https://reddit.com/r/Python/...

and you can use it for free at http://willbeddow.com

I've been working on it for a few years and it has a few hundred users.

Code: https://github.com/ironman5366/...

  • 0
    @TheGeekyGuy Thanks!
  • 0
    Without looking: is it similar to x.ai?
  • 1
    @darksideplease it looks like that just does meetings, this does alot more and is easily expandable
  • 1
    It says that 1 + 1 = 1, that 2 + 3 = 6 and that 2 + 39 = 78.
  • 0
    just checking your code, dude you should escape your request.form inputs,
    you're passing this shit as it is that just inputting ''' in both name and pass causes your server 500
  • 2
    @darksideplease it's more like sql inject me like one of your french girls
  • 2
    someone please tell me he's not logging the password and user name
  • 0
    @osmarks that's wolfram acting up, it works with "plus"
  • 0
    @Qchmqs alright, thanks, I didn't know that did that. I'll fix it asap
  • 0
    @Qchmqs oh shit :O. I didn't notice that, obviously that should be email. Fixing and purging logs.
  • 0
    password = request.post['password']
    #here you take an unsanitized post input, also still unhashed password
    #here you log the unhashed password variable
    see the attached picture in my previous comment, or check the will.py script on the github repo
  • 0
    @Qchmqs working on an https cert, got it from letsencrypt but having trouble applying it on the gevent webserver. Working on switching to nginx to implement it. That string should be email logged, fixing it now, thanks for letting me know.
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