"Less is more and more is more. It’s the middle that’s not a good place." - Paula Scher

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    Your bot has had a heart attack and did not recover!
  • 3
    Did Paula Scher pay you to do this?
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    @theabbie it's working, I've never been so intrigued as to whom said it before now.

    @wiki Paula Scher
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    @C0D4 My bots are dead, dfox killed them, for valid reasons,

    Here's Paula Scher,

    "Paula Scher is an American graphic designer, painter and art educator in design. She also served as the first female principal at Pentagram, which she joined in 1991"
  • 1
    @theabbie wait, what?!?

    any shareable details so we can avoid it?
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    @C0D4 Nothing that will happen naturally, I was malicious, somewhat.
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    Poor bot has bot dementia
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    Paula scher is part of pentagram..so she’s a satanic deciple. And she possessed the bot with her spell. Makes sense. We’ll save you randomquote, hang in there! We just need to gather enough holy water to exorcise this demon
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    @C0D4 you don't need more quotes. Less is more!
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    @aviophile I was referring the quote that was posted three times already 😐
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    @iiii i was referring to stannis the mannis
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