
sending in code every week into uni to get graded and every freaking time... my test cases are all green, and yet they manage to think of overcomplicated ~hidden~ test cases to fail me.. it'd be like: program a method that multiplies two numbers and return the result! so ill be like 'easy peasy lemon squeazy! return a*b; theyll be like 'yeah :D u got 40%' liKE wHAt do u Want from mE

  • 3
    Are you checking the inputs?
  • 1
    @darksideplease yeah 😒 its just an example of the earlier assignments but basically my uni is out to get me with those hidden test cases
  • 1
    @okokok Did you anger one of the teachers? They tend to be childish about this.
  • 1
    @darksideplease no haha im glad its all anonymous.. i guess its really just the hidden tests that bother me 😅 but ill pull through
  • 0
    @okokok ah ok. Just a random tip which i found out myself: sometimes the test inputs have not only \n but also \r. this gets problematic when not expected (at least in java). It is tricky to check what whitespace characters really are there (i think i opened the file in python and read out the raw characters).
  • 6
    Well to be fair, you do have to think about these things. Poor input validation is one of the leading causes of your security getting fucked.
  • 0
    @deusprogrammer i know.. 😩
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